About Us
Action Eczema is a global learning community designed to support and facilitate increased knowledge, competence, confidence, and performance among all health professionals involved in the care of patients with atopic dermatitis, including dermatologists, allergists/immunologists, paediatricians, primary care physicians, nurses, and other members of the care team.
This specific educational initiative was jointly supported by Sanofi Genzyme and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and was certified for CME. It was live during 2018-2021. Much of the education that was created is still relevant today and is presented on this legacy site.
If you were previously registered to the CME site and would like to retrieve your CME record please contact us.
Meet Our Experts
Katrina Abuabara, MD
Assistant Professor of Dermatology University of California at San Francisco, US
Leila Asfour, MBChB, BSc, MRCP
(Derm) Senior Specialist Registrar in Dermatology Salford Royal Foundation Trust, UK
Korey Capozza, MPH
Founder and Executive Director Global Parents for Eczema Research, US
Jenny Carolan, RN
Specialist Dermatology Nurse Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust London, Barnet Hospital, UK
Lucy Moorhead, RGN
Nurse Consultant, Inflammatory Skin Disease St John's Institute of Dermatology, Guys Hospital, UK
Carol Moxham
Eczema patient advocate Cornwall, UK
Jonathan Silverberg, MD, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Research George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Science, US
Julie Van Onselen, RGN
Dermatology Lecturer Practitioner Dermatology Education Partnership Ltd and University of Stirling, UK
Helen Young, MB, ChB, PhD, FRCP
Consultant Dermatologist Salford Royal Hospital, UK
Commercial support
Action Eczema is supported by an independent educational grant from Sanofi Genzyme and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.